Healthy Air

Project Abstract

This is a project that aims to explore respiratory health, focusing on asthma, in the context of potential factors that may explain how it changes over time. Specifically, I am interested in how the prevalence and severity of asthma are potentially affected by factors such as:

  • pollution sources and emmission types
  • demographic characteristics
  • meterological factors

This is an end to end project, whcih basically means that the scope of this project covers the entire data science process, which includes important activities like:

  • Data wrangling: Raw data acquisition, processing and management
  • Data exploration and feature selection
  • Data modelling and statistical inference
  • Predictive analytics via machine learning and/or data modelling to leverage significant patterns and trends identified within the datasets
  • Creation of Data Products: reproducible reports and data visualisations

none as yet :wink:


Other potentially interesting external links :smile: